Wednesday 5 May 2010



Where We Come From
In 1949, three enterprising gentlemen, Bill Bernbach, Ned Doyle and Maxwell Dane gave the advertising industry a wake-up call. They introduced a new approach to marketing that relied on insight into human nature, respect for the consumer, and the power of creativity. In short, they said: Let's stop talking at people and instead start conversations that lead to action and mutual benefit.

This heritage tells us who we are, what we believe and how we should behave. It inspires us to continually challenge standard convention. From Bill Bernbach to Keith Reinhard to the present generation of DDB leaders, we continue the revolution.

Ideas are the fuel of DDB. Throughout our evolution we have been guided by a series of relevant and related ideas:

Creativity Is The Most Powerful Force In Business
DDB's pursues collaborative relationships with clients and partners to find the hidden potential of people, brands and business through creativity.

Insight into Human Nature
We believe that great ideas come from keen insights and one good idea can propel a brand for years.

Respect for the Customer
DDB has long led the way by recognizing that brands are in the hands of consumers, not brand managers. Nothing is more important and relevant today.

Respect for Our World
As influential communicators, DDB is in a position to use creativity as a force for good. As Bill Bernbach so eloquently put it, "All of us who professionally use the mass media are the shapers of society. We can vulgarize that society. We can brutalize it. Or we can help lift it onto a higher level." .

How We Do It
Before we describe "how we do it", it might be an idea to tell you what the "it" is. The "it" is the creative generation and execution of ideas that change the way people think about brands. Sounds simple, right?
In theory, yes but in practice, marketing has become much more complex and leads us to How We Do It. The simple fact is - there is no one way to do it. How can you template a process when no two brands are alike, no two clients are alike, and no two consumers are alike?
At DDB we are guided by playbooks, not rule books. Rigid methodologies minimize creativity. Paint-by-numbers gets you the same painting every time.
That is not to say we do not have tried and true approaches to building and growing world class brands - we do. But rather than share our methodologies, we rather you spend time on the rest of this site and take a look at examples of our work, peruse some of our thinking, participate in our debates and discussions - basically get to know who we are.
Nine times out of ten, companies like ours are chosen as partners based on chemistry. So we should meet and you can share your challenges and opportunities: we love to solve complex business problems, take away your worries, and have a lot of fun doing it.

Like BSSP i like how simple the ideas are and i like use of photography in these especially the McDonald's one. I like how they have put the logo on in a slightly different way. I like how they've simply used green tones in the golf one to link it with night vision goggles and the possibly the strength of the lights.

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