Wednesday 28 April 2010

Agency details

Euro RSCG produce work across a range of media Print, TV and digital. Producing websites tv adverts billboard posters. All work for strong global brands such as

Citroen, Harpic, Sony, Nikon Lacoste, Strepsils, CANAL+,

RPA Rubin Postaer work is also across a variety of media producing work for full campaigns, Producing TV campaigns, websites, designs for print ads and direct mail. Producing Work for:

MGM, VH1, Honda, Pioneer and PENTAX

TBWA London Work spans across radio, TV, Print, Viral
Producing work for:

Apple, Addidas, Muller, Playstation, National express and Pedigree

Tierney Communications work spans across TV, radio, Print and Websites, producing work for McDonalds, PECO, Teuscher Chocolate and Independence blue cross

Krow's Work across TV and Print producing work fort Fiat, Nutella, Unicef, National History Museum, Pets at Home

Maclaren MacCann work spans across viral, TV, Websites, Direct Mail, producing work for Chevloret, Microsoft, World Vision, Buick

Campbell Mithum Work spans across print, TV, Websites, Clothing, Ambient, guerilla producing work for nature valley, Tresemme, H&R Block, National City.

BBDO work is across TV, Print, Websites, online ads with work for Doritos, Snickers, Dulux, RAC, Heinz.

BBH work TV, print, viral, websites producing work for Audi, Barclays, ITV, Robinsons, Tango

GSD&M Idea City Produces work for Print, TV, Radio, Online ads with work for BMW, AT&T, Mastercard and PGA Tour

180 Amsterdam produces work for TV, Print, Radio with work for Sony, Adidas, Motorola and BMW

Carmichael Lynch produces work for TV, Print, Online ads with work for Coca Cola, Ikea, Harley Davidson and Porsche

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