Thursday 1 April 2010

Garrigosa Studio

TAXI Thanks for doing this interview with us. What have you been busy with lately?

Garrigosa Studio It is a pleasure. We have done a campaign made of water effects for 7Up India, a polar bear cub for Ecobility in Dubai and a campaign for Enel in Italy.

TAXI Could you share with us a bit more on The Book? What's the idea behind this project?

Garrigosa Studio Well, it was a good way to show our work in a personal way with a well curated edition.

TAXI What is your ultimate aim when you start working on a piece?

Garrigosa Studio Achieving the best results and feeling satisfied for obtaining them! We are happy when the client is happy.

TAXI Who or what inspires you in life?

Garrigosa Studio Everything. My family, friends, a movie, a book…. For me, it is important to be balanced to be inspired.
TAXI The Honda campaign features where did you get the idea from?

Garrigosa Studio This idea came from the advertising agency.

TAXI Which artists or clients would you be keen to collaborate with and why?

Garrigosa Studio Anyone who can share my own standards, expectations and results.

TAXI Having won several prestigious awards, what is the studio's aim for the upcoming years?

Garrigosa Studio To keep working at the same level and hopefully continue enjoying ourselves.

TAXI Your works quirky, edgy but essentially fun. What messages do you hope to communicate with your work?

Garrigosa Studio The message is provided by the ad agency/client. We try to give the best as professionals to enhance the idea with photo-realistic results. We always want to retain the essence of the idea within the picture. 
TAXI Any tips for newbies trying to get into the business?

Garrigosa Studio You have to love the profession. It is necessary to have a lot of dedication. It is always good to be critical with your own work in order to evolve. There are always new things to learn so you need to be humble.

The interview can be found here


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