Tuesday 27 April 2010

Krow Details

It’s enshrined in our name and drives the way we think and the way we approach every brief.

This way of working is driven by a very simple desire. Never lose sight of what we’re trying to achieve.

We start with the outcome our clients’ need.  Then we work out what behaviour we must generate in order to reach that outcome.  Next we identify what will trigger that behaviour and where and when that trigger should be communicated.  Only then do we develop and execute the communications idea.

Working backwards means that we can always draw a direct line between the work and what we’re trying to achieve.

We develop ideas and select media with entirely open minds, unencumbered by structure, skill base or prejudice.

Too much time, money and effort is wasted on trying to increase awareness or shift attitude.

By using our understanding of behaviour, krow’s intention is to trigger people to actually do something, rather than just think something.

The best campaigns we’ve worked on together in the past worked because they actually changed people’s behaviour — Maltesers, bmibaby, Spirito di Punto, the fatty cigarette anti-smoking campaign.

To take advantage of today’s media proliferation, brands need communications agencies to develop content and select media with entirely open minds, unencumbered by structure, skill base or prejudice.

Our focus on outcomes means that we select both message and media based on one criteria only:  Will they work?

Crucially, we have the breadth of experience and resource to deliver any message, in any media.

Waking Up To Nutella

Doubling volume sales in four years is a big ask when Mums think of you as an unhealthy spread made from chocolate to be given to their kids only infrequently, as a treat.

What Mums didn’t know, but we discovered, is that Nutella is- surprisingly- made of hazelnuts (52 per 400g jar), not chocolate.

To communicate this new information in the most credible way we positioned Nutella as an alternative to jam or peanut butter, at breakfast.

Our ‘Wake up to Nutella’ TV and Press campaign was developed using Ferrero Rocher’s rigorous pre-testing system, and- because of current concerns about HFSS foods- with daily dialogue between ourselves and the nutritional and regulatory bodies.

After only one burst, sales are up by a massive +21%. We have driven penetration from 8% to over 11%. No wonder our Ferrero client has said: “The results have been fabulous! Well done!!!”

Focus isn't figures for this company as they seem to be more focused on getting people to react to the campaigns and work they produce and then do something. I do think this a better way of looking at things and does make things a bit more creative.

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