Tuesday 27 April 2010

MacLaren McCann - detail

For our work to ultimately be deemed successful, it must first be based on a human truth and that truth be well told with an honest and compelling story. It must be able to live beyond a specific channel. It must interrupt. It must create a dialogue direct to the brand and, more importantly, cause talk between consumers. It must drive the desired action. It must be infectious within a company. It must act as both guide and voice for how the brand talks and acts. It must be exceptionally crafted in thought and design. It must be enduring. It must, above all else, live in the hearts & minds of our customers.

Our vision is simple…to be the very best multi-disciplined advertising agency in North America.

Our belief in this vision comes from the knowledge that what we do is not a street fight, it’s a dance. A give and take between a believing client and a committed, determined and boundary-breaking collection of minds that will stop at nothing to deliver brilliance.

We also believe that to achieve this vision, we must be fearless and to also understand that while some will say that the best work comes from the best people in the best place, we know that the best work comes from the best place in the best people.

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