Tuesday 27 April 2010

How the adverts themselves promote

This is a section from my dissertation:

Within the medium of print this can be seen as being similarly visual. An example of this is the 2007 advertisement for the Wrangler Unlimited.  In the advertisement an insect is signified through the signifier being that of an overhead photograph of a car in green within a wooden frame around it, this is furthered through that signified on the car, are two kayaks, that in this case, signify wings through their positioning and colour, and signified on the car are four doors, through the relationship with the rest of the image they are signified as being legs. Also signified within the image is that of a wooden border and brown background. Through this it’s signified that it’s collected through its visual reference to butterfly collecting. This metaphor of the car being an insect is enhanced within the body copy with the line, “Four-dooricus Rockeratzlerus”. Through this signifier it’s signified that it’s an insect. Through comparing the car with an insect it connotes the idea that the “habitat” of the car is the wild and a rural setting, it also connotes that it moves like an insect, fast and controlled. Also, through the words, “new species”, connoted is the idea that not only is it a new car, it is different and hasn’t been seen before. Through this the audience perceive it to be something special and that it would be the best car in a wild setting as its shown that it’s the best place for it.

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