Tuesday 27 April 2010

Euro RSCG - Detail

Our mission is to take brands and connect them in the most effective way to consumers, creating ideas and programmes of enduring value. We are dedicated to making brands personal. Our work begins by unlocking insights from a variety of sources, and using these to design effective direct communications strategies delivered in the channels that connect best with consumers.        
Our goal is to generate belief in the brand and by making our clients' brands relevant and personal, we will generate an increase in response and engagement.
We have a proven track record of developing marketing programmes that span the world for brands like Tesco, IBM, Volvo, Diageo, Reckitt Benckiser, Jaguar and more.

We are uniquely positioned to deliver these business defining programmes because our offices can deliver best-in-class skills in a range of core disciplines, accessible on an integrated or specialist basis. Within Euro RSCG 4D, we can deliver:
Digital marketing – full service digital site development, search marketing, online advertising
Direct marketing – with specialist skills in DRTV, and customer marketing and eCRM strategy and execution
Experiential and promotional marketing – with full event and promotional marketing capabilities
Database marketing – through our specialist data business Discovery, providing database creation and full service customer insight work

The explosion of new technologies and the proliferation of new channels have served to remind us of one ancient imperative of the human race, the need to tell stories. As the oral tradition becomes a digital tradition, stories have never been more important. We employ the most talented people to devine your brand story and tell it with such imagination and conviction that it gets retold and retold and grows in the retelling, and your consumer becomes your most powerful medium.

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